The Dynamic IP Addressing System
Online since 1999

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Sign Up

Signing up with DynamIP is quick and easy! Simply fill out this application form online, download the DynamIP IPGet application, and you're ready to go! If after the 30 day free trial period is over you wish to continue DynamIP service, make sure you have filled out the order form, and DynamIP will begin billing you monthly.

Free Trial Application Form

Fill out this form, and a password will be emailed to you at the address you provide. Download the DynamIP application and install it. Once you receive your password, type it into the DynamIP application, and you'll be up and running!

Your Full Name:
Your Email Address:

Please double check to ensure your email address is entered correctly, or you will not receive your new password!

When you log into your DynamIP application, you will be entering your User ID and Password. You pick your User ID now, and you will receive your password via email at the address you specify above. You can change your password later. For now, pick a unique User ID, using only letters and/or numbers:

User ID:

You need to select a DNS name. This is the name by which your computer will be known to the outside world. For instance, if you pick "george", your computer will be known as "george.dynamip.com". You may use only letters and/or numbers for this entry:

DNS Name:

Once you have finished with this form, you will be sent your new password to the email address you entered above. You can then download the DynamIP application, type your new password into it, and you'll be online! When you're ready to proceed, click Submit:

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.